LeAdership starts with you!

Leadership is everywhere: whether you are leading a team or an organisation or leading your own PhD study or leading your career to take the next step or leading a discussion. Leadership is a role and not a function. It is about knowing who you are before inspiring others!

The ‘Leadership Starts with You’ training put a very personal mirror in front of me. Within one day a group of 5 complete strangers transformed to a group combining individual roles to a coherent team. The training was inspiring and gave me a lot of positive energy. I can and will use this experience to further explore and grow my leadership role in my daily profession.’
— Hans Antonissen, Project Manager at Promolding

Leadership is all about how you understand the way people and organisations behave, how you create and strengthen relationships, build commitment, adapt behavior to increase effectiveness. How you create and establish teams with their own unique identity. How you lead yourself to become a professional, make difficult choices, take taught decisions.

Discover your own formula to become the authentic leader you want to be!

Knowing yourself is the first step towards engaging and empowering others. This training course is about your authentic leadership. It is for you: passionate scientist, ambitious researcher, creative engineer, inspiring manager!

At Stralia, I had an eye-opening experience and explored my natural role. I can use it now more often both at the university as well as in my personal life.
— Andreea Gheorghe, PhD student, University of Amsterdam

You will discover your natural role in a team and how to further develop it; how to focus your energy to be at your best, most of the time; how you create a future with your team and build strong relationships.


THis course IS VERY VIVID, INTENSE AND Personal. specially designed for academic and Research & Development leadership.

PREPARATION SESSION: 1h meeting to discuss your interest and your learning goals. In each session, we dedicate special attention to your leadership skills. You have the opportunity to describe one case you are dealing with and practice it directly with us. The practice can include: lead a meeting, solve a conflict or misunderstanding, practice difficult conversations, dealing with stress and improve wellbeing, delegate effectively, master your time and set priorities, dealing with multi-cultural teams or anything else relevant to you. The trainer is available to play an acting role for a full experience to find your best solution to your case.

Which challenges do you want to solve?


what role can we play for you?

Session 1 YOUR AUTHENTIC ROLE: Discover together your natural, authentic role in a team. Which team roles did you take in the past? And which role do you take up at the workplace in the current team? You will learn what factors in the team keep you in or push you away from being Authentic You. We will learn the basics of leadership, understand the differences between a function and a role you take when it comes to leading a team, self-reflection of own leadership style.

You decide on your next actions to TAKE YOUR AUTHENTIC TEAM ROLE: the actions you would like to take in long term and the action you will take immediately.

AUTHENTICITY: Be yourself and act as yourself no matter the circumstances

Session 2 CHANNEL YOUR ENERGY: Discover what brings you most energy at work and how to focus your energy to BE AT YOUR BEST MOST OF THE TIME. Let us build together your energy diagram and analyse the energy of your team. What and who brings energy in your group and how do you contribute to it?

Session 3 BUILD STRONG RELATIONSHIPS: Analyse and strengthen your working relationships as base for a succesful leadership. How big are your working relationships? How can you make them stronger, bigger, healthier to create a brighter future? How can you have effective confrontation when needed? We will develop your nano-Relationships towards Giga-Relationships. We will use a leadership model to reflect on your goals as a leader, your engaging power and decide on your actions with your team.

Session 4 TEAM DYNAMICS: Learn the process of team forming, getting aware of the needs of your team members and your power of engaging, analyse the different roles in your team based on Belbin Roles Model. What is your coaching and mentoring style? How actively do you listen to you team members? How do you give constructive feedback? What future do you foresee for your team?


EVALUATION SESSION: 1h meeting to evaluate the training and reaching your learning goals. You have the possibility to continue the training with a TEAM BUILDING activity with your team.

NOTE: All sessions contain theory and direct practice. The duration of the training is 4 days for a FACE-to-FACE training or spread over 8-half days for the ONLINE version.


During the ‘Leadership Starts with You’ course, you will discover yourself and your leadership capabilities.
— Ton van der Liet, Project Manager at Mendix
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Planning & Price

LEADERSHIP STARTS WITH YOU course takes place once the participants list is complete. Interested? Please subscribe below!




FACE-to-FACE course: 7 participants | 4 full days 9:00 -17:30 | Location: on-site or various locations in Amsterdam, The Hague, Utrecht | Price: € 960,- p.p. incl. VAT excl. location

ONLINE course: 4 participants | 8 half-days 13:00 -17:00 | Price: € 1.050,- p.p. incl. VAT

Further details about location and programme will follow upon your registration. Please feel free to contact us at info@stralia.nl or +31 (0) 61 375 8335 for more information.

The ‘Leadership Starts with You’ training course focusses on several aspects of leadership, approached from a personal perspective. The safe environment that Stralia’s trainer created helped me to share my personal story. Together with the inspiring feedback sessions it helped me to gain confidence and directly put the things I learned into practice.
— Marissa van Maaren, Tenure Tracker at University of Twente

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