STRALA LEADERSHIP SEMINARS will strengthen your leadership skills. They are taking place along the year across The Netherlands. For everyone engaged in Science & Technology!

Leadership is everywhere: whether you are leading a team or an organisation or leading your own PhD study or leading your career to take the next step or leading a discussion. Leadership is a role and not a function. It is about knowing who you are and inspire others!

Stralia Leadership Seminars will strengthen your leadership skills. Each seminar focuses on a specific leadership aspect. The themes include: discover and understand your leadership style, put your talents into practice, forming strong teams, coaching and mentoring skills, engaging others and creating an impact, empathic leadership, inclusivity and equity, cultural intelligence. And many more. If you have a theme that you would like to include, please feel free to indicate it to us.

I participated to one of the Stralia’s seminars. I experienced deep emotional moments.
— Emmanouil Archontakis | PhD student at Technical University Eindhoven

The seminars are taking place along the year across The Netherlands. Each time we are at a different location and at a different organisation where one of the participants is hosting us. We provide a standard seminar programme, including a coaching walk. We end the programme with drinks, networking, and a dinner in the neighbourhood. You can join when best suits own agenda, location or seminar theme.

The atmosphere is informal, safe, and welcoming. Everyone participates as best suits own drive. You don’t need to join all the seminars; the programme is self-standing. We share own stories, we connect with each other, and we broaden our network. We reflect together!


The Stralia leadership seminar made me reflect on how the impact I want to have/think I have is perceived by my colleagues. I’m looking forward to the next Leadership seminars.
— Ana Luzaic | Account Manager at Spark904

Let your leadership grow


The Leadership Seminars have a standard format. You can choose to participate to as many seminars as you like.

  • 15:00 Welcome and Activation

  • 15:15 Theme Discussions

    First, the theoretical aspect of the theme is presented. Afterwards, all participants contribute to a discussion. Each seminar has a theme, set prior to the meeting. The themes for the coming seminars are:

    • Authentic Leadership

    • Inclusive Leadership

    • Empathic Leadership

    • Engaging Leadership

    • Coaching Leadership

  • 16:00 Socratic Seminar

    Find answers together to a relevant question by only asking questions. This form of seminar allows us to think deeply about a problem and understand it from different angles. The start question is provided based on the theme of the seminar. The Socratic seminar is guided by the trainer.

  • 16:30 Coaching Walk

    A walk outside in pairs of 2 participants, while practicing coaching and active listening. You will discuss a challenging situation relevant to you. You will find a solution together and decide on the next actions.

  • 17:30 Drinks & Networking (optional)

  • 18:00 Dinner & Share Your Experience (optional)

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© Jacques Rijnsburger

Planning & Price


Spread your wings!

Share your experience with other talented scientists, researchers and engineers.

FACE-to-FACE seminars: 5-7 participants | one afternoon 15:00 - 17:30 followed by drinks & dinner

LOCATION: at various locations across The Netherlands | location at the organisation site of one of the participant | locations below are an indication and they are subject to change | hosting a seminar: please indicate it during your registration

DATES: the seminars will take place at the dates indicated below (not in the order of occurance).

Seminar 1: Authentic Leadership 30 January 2023 | Amsterdam (closed, new dates for 2024 will be announced later)

Seminar 2: Inclusive Leadership 30 March 2023 | Utrecht (closed, new dates for 2024 will be announced later)

Seminar 3: Empathic Leadership 30 June 2023 | Rotterdam (closed, new dates for 2024 will be announced later)

Seminar 4: Engaging Leadership 30 October 2023 | Delft (fully booked, new dates for 2024 will be announced later)

Seminar 5: Coaching Leadership 30 January 2024 | Amsterdam

PRICE: € 125,- p.p. incl. VAT excl. dinner

You will leave the seminar full of energy and ready to fly!

You can manage a long way using all the clever tips and tricks and with the aid of the powers granted to you. You can only lead because others think “you” are the leader.
— Joeri Voets | Management Consultancy at Detron

I believe learning is a unique experience and not a standard process. My trainings and workshops are very vivid, interactive and intense: a true discovery for thinkers.

Enlight, Engage, Empower!

Maria is charing the leadership seminars. She is the founder of Stralia and the initiator of this seminars. She devotes her full energy to coaching and inspiring passionate scientists, ambitious researchers, creative engineers, dedicated teachers, skilled project managers and inspiring team leaders.

Maria is a very energetic coach, the leadership seminar gave me interesting insights.
— Zulhaj Rizki | postdoc at Delft University of Technology

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